Monday, April 25, 2005


Robert Virkus, the J2ME Polish man, is at it again. On the KVM mailing list he announced a new product called "Floater" that rewrites your floating point code so it will work on CLDC/1.0 devices. He's looking for beta testers:
Floater allows you to use floating point arithmetics and all java.lang.Math functions of the CLDC/1.1 configuration on CLDC/1.0 devices as well. This is not a library, so you can use normal float and long primitives etc in your code. Floater will then process the compiled bytecode and weaves the necessary conversion and emulation code into your application. You can choose between a high precision and a fast performance mode. Since all conversions are done by Floater directly, applications will be leaner and faster compared to the direct usage of floating point emulation libraries. Floater integrates nicely with J2ME Polish, of course, but you can use it standalone or as an Ant plugin as well.
Too bad about the name. I can think of at least two meanings in American English that are not very nice. In any case, I've written Robert to see if I can try the beta.


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