Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Can you hear me now?

Older news, but an interesting article about a ride with a Verizon Wireless tester:

Verizon Wireless operates testing teams in major markets all across the US. Levy typically logs 3,000+ miles per month (and that's city driving, I don't envy him). Besides testing their own network, these teams check up on their competitors. Levy's rig was testing Verizon Wireless, Sprint PCS, ALLTEL, Nextel, T-Mobile and AT&T (Cingular). In addition to voice, each company's data service is tested.
So the carriers know exactly what the coverage in your neighborhood is like. Unftorunately they're not going to share that information with you or anyone else. Wouldn't it be cool to know how well all the carriers cover your home and work before you sign up?


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